
 "We are all of us more complicated than the roles we are assigned in the stories other people tell." 

-- Tara Westover, Educated

I am an amateur artist based in Gothenburg, Sweden, who explores her unconscious creativity using different techniques and materials. I am influenced by the Japanese, Chinese, German, and Swedish cultures because of my family ties and living-abroad experiences. 

I have a background in chemical physics and mathematics, and was classically taught to be structured, and well-planned to achieve the optimum. I thrive on logical and analytical thinking throughout my studies and professional life. Now as a data professional, the goal is always to minimise potential biases that come from emotions and intuitions. However, I quickly realised that many of the state-of-the-art AI technologies also produce results that are systemically prejudiced due to erroneous assumptions.

But why put so much emphasis on limiting intuitive thinking when we make decisions? My curiosity led me to learn psychology during my free time. I want to explore the other system of my brain: the intuitive and emotional thinking process (ref: Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman). By letting myself "lose control" in the creative process, I want to see where it will take me.

Naturally, The next step is to explore how generative AI can collaborate with me to extend this creative process, such as the podcast audio below summarising my PhD thesis. Stay tuned!

thesis li.mp3

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